
Learn some Spanish

It is always nice to learn a few spanish words or sentences to get by in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico.
If you are vacationing or living in Cabo, here are a few words, sentences for you.  
Let us know if you have a spanish word or phrase you would like us to feature here.

English – Spanish

yes si
no no
please por favor
hello hola
I love you te quiero
goodbye adios
thank you gracias
you’re welcome de nada
how are you como estas
very well muy bien
can you help me me puede ayudar
excuse me perdon
what time is it que hora es

English – Spanish

good morning buenos dias
good afternoon buenas tardes
good night buenas noches
see you later hasta luego
see you soon hasta pronto
see you tomorrow hasta manana
thank you very much muchas gracias
I’m hungry tengo hambre
I’m thirsty tengo sed
nothing nada
now ahora
I’m sorry lo siento
excuse me perdoneme

English – Spanish

you can tu puedes
you could tu podrias
you will be able to tu podras
can you? tu puedes?
could you? tu podrias?
will you be able to? tu podras?
yes, I can si, yo puedo
yes, I could si, yo podria
yes, I will be able to si, yo podre
no, I can not no, no puedo
no, I could not no, no podria
no, I will not be able to no, no podre
museum – museo

English – Spanish

months of the year los meses del ano
January enero
February febrero
March marzo
April abril
May mayo
June junio
July julio
August agosto
September septiembre
October octubre
November noviembre
December diciembre

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English – Spanish

the check please la cuenta, por favor
restaurant restaurante
airport aeropuerto
train tren
store  tienda
library  biblioteca
book  libro
beach  playa
mountain  montana
coffee  cafe
tea  te
beer cerveza
milk leche
water agua
church iglesia

English – Spanish

house casa
table mesa
window ventana
chair silla
door puerta
clock reloj
floor piso
dog perro
cat gato
bird pajaro
car coche
house casa

Peso denominations

100 – cien
200 – doscientos
300 – trescientos
400 – cuatrocientos
500 – quinientos
600 – seiscientos
700 – setecientos
800 – ochocientos
900 – novecientos
1000 – mil

English – Spanish

eyes ojos
mouth  boca
head  cabeza
arm  brazo
legs piernas
hands manos
person persona
family familia
woman mujer
man hombre
girl nina
boy nino
boss – jefe

English – Spanish

friend amigo
girlfriend novia
boyfriend novio
wife esposa
husband esposo
mom mama
dad papa
sister hermana
brother hermano
cousin primo
aunt tia
uncle tio
grandma abuela
grandpa abuelo

English – Spanish

greetings saludos
hi, how have you been hola, como le va
delighted encantado
what’s up que onda
what’s new que hay de nuevo
take care cuidate mucho
what is your name como te llamas
where are you from de donde eres
where do you live donde vives
and you y tu
my name is me llamo
I am soy
I am from soy de
I live in vivo en

English – Spanish

I like me gusta
there is – hay
I beg your pardon – como
what does that mean – que significa eso
slow down – mas despacio
I don’t understand – no entiendo
I don’t know – no se
how como
who quien
what que
why por que
where  donde
when  cuando
maybe quizas
of course claro

English – Spanish

to close – cerrar
to give – dar
to say – decir
to take – tomar
to arrive – llegar
to pay – pagar
to ask – pedir
to travel – viajar
to think – pensar
to do / make – hacer

English – Spanish

to work – trabajar
to eat – comer
to sleep – dormir
to walk – caminar
to cook – cocinar
to change – cambiar
to buy – comprar
to open – abrir
to clean – limpiar
to see / watch – ver